[sta_anchor id=”top” /]Print Edition:
$23.00 $11.50 (USD)
eBook Edition (PDF):
The concepts and skills taught in grades K-12 science and health classes are arranged by topic and grade for an easy-to-use approach to teach students of all ages—including multi-levelly. Teaching tips include how to teach the scientific process and strategies in a manner that encourages children to think critically and get the most out of their explorations and experiences. By using this guide as a reference of what and how to teach, content can be covered with any resources that the student finds appealing. The teacher no longer needs to feel bound to one specific curriculum for fear of leaving educational gaps. A checklist allows convenient record keeping. Students in grades 6-12 can use this book as a working outline to find information on their own.
Print Edition: $23.00 $11.50 (USD)
eBook Edition (PDF):
Additional book information:
Author: Kathryn L. Stout, M.Ed.
Grade level: K-8
Published: 1991
Revised: 1998
Pages: 119
Dimensions: 11″ x 8 ½” x ¼” (28cm x 21.6cm x 0.64cm)
Cover: Soft cover/Paperback
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